Download & Play Floating Apps (multitasking) on PC & Mac with NoxPlayer (Emulator)

Floating Apps (multitasking) on PC

Installs  1000W+
Download NoxPlayer, play Floating Apps (multitasking) with a big screen - an unparalleled gaming experience

Play Floating Apps (multitasking) on PC with NoxPlayer


Last Update :  2021-03-31        Current Version :  4.14
Experience real multitasking on your Android!

Open more apps at the same time in floating windows and enjoy real multitasking! Don't leave current app for a small task... Floating Apps is the largest and the most advanced collection of floating mini apps available on Google Play!

take notes or use calculator anywhere & anytime
view email attachments without leaving email app
view multiple PDF files at the same time
open links in floating browser and view them later
translate vocabularies without leaving current app
and do much much much more...

Supported languages: EN, IN, CS, DA, DE, ES, FR, IT, LT, PL, PTBR, PTPT, RO, SK, SV, VI, TR, RU, UK, KO, JA, HI, TH, ZHTW, THCN, FA, AR, HU

If you have any problem with the app, contact us via [email protected] for help!

Floating Apps comes with more than 41 floating apps including:

Document Viewer (PDF, DOC, DOCX, ODT and more)
File Manager
Music Player
Video Player
Image Viewer
Audio Recorder
Google Maps
Wifi Manager

and 21 more apps (see for full list of 41 floating apps)...
also, you can create your own floating apps from home screen widgets and URLs!

Our Commitment
Floating Apps is the best of its kind because of our commitment and neverending work. We love to do it for you!
We're always doing our best to help our users, so you're not left alone.
We're developing Floating Apps for more than 5 years and it keeps getting better and better.
We're listening to your requests and designing apps and features for you.

The Most Advanced Features
Stop switching from one app to another and experience real multitasking with floating mini apps that make your life easier!
Do not find the right floating app for you? Turn homescreen widgets and URLs into your very own floating apps.
Access floating apps anywhere and anytime without leaving what you are just doing with Floating Menu and Quick Launch.
Extremely powerful floating menu allows you to access not only floating apps, but also normal and recent apps and shortcuts!
Access floating apps with one tap via movable & resizable quick launch icon that stays always on top of other apps.
Move windows by simply dragging their title, resize them by dragging their bottom bar. Arrange windows your way!
Maximize the floating app to utilize the whole screen. Minimize it if you don't need it now and restore it later.
Easily access advanced features & functions, control the window, its borders and transparency with context menu!
Open links, videos or images using floating apps the same way as you do with normal apps. Use shortcuts, notifications and more.
It's just like multiviews / multi windows on Samsung or split screen mode but for all Androids!

Testers Community:

Please see complete list at

How to play Floating Apps (multitasking) on PC using NoxPlayer

  • 1Download NoxPlayer on your PC.

  • 2Run the installation package and complete the installation.

  • 3Search for Floating Apps (multitasking) on NoxPlayer.

  • 4Install the game in Google Play.

  • 5Click the game icon to start it.

  • 6Play Floating Apps (multitasking) with NoxPlayer on PC easier!

Simple Method

Method 1. Click "Download on PC" to download NoxPlayer and apk file at the same time. Once installation completes, play the game on PC.

Method 2. If you already have NoxPlayer on PC, click "Download APK", then drag and drop the file to the emulator to install.

The Wonderful Video of Floating Apps (multitasking)

Do you wanna run Floating Apps (multitasking) with a better gaming experience? With the benefit of the bigger screen, smarter keyboard and the higher hardware performance, NoxPlayer brings you an extreme gaming experience on PC. By downloading and playing Floating Apps (multitasking) on PC via NoxPlayer, users don't need to worry about the battery or the interruption of calling.
NoxPlayer is compatible with Android 7 and supports running over 90% of the mobile games on PC, which will boost your gaming experience perfectly. In addition, by opening multiple instances, Noxplayer supports to running multiple games or apps at the same time, or chatting with your friend while playing game.
NoxPlayer is perfectly compatible with AMD and Intel with the exclusive core virtualization technology, making your computer run more stable and smoothly. Download NoxPlayer and experience it now!

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Please download with PC browser

NoxPlayer is designed for Windows and MAC OS, please visit this website via computer browser to download NoxPlayer.