Download & Play Heroes Evolved on PC & Mac with NoxPlayer (Emulator)

Heroes Evolved on PC

Installs  1000W+
Download NoxPlayer, play Heroes Evolved with a big screen - an unparalleled gaming experience

Play Heroes Evolved on PC with NoxPlayer


Last Update :  2023-06-17        Current Version :  Varies with device
Welcome to Heroes Evolved a free global strategy and action game where you will be a part of a 5member team aiming at destroying the enemy base! This is a really fun MOBA in which there are 100+ unique heroes for you to choose to battle against real rivals from all over the world. You can make the most of your skills, teamwork, intelligence and strategy to survive and succeed in the game.

***5 VS 5 MOBA GAME***
Enjoy a classic MOBA experience with a global multiplayer online battle arena game on your devices. Play anytime and anywhere! There are 100+ playable heroes for you to choose with multiple skins to give your hero a unique look in the competition. Try various play styles like tank, assassin, support, warrior, and powerful skills to destroy the rival towers while you defend yours!

Select the massive PVP action game mode with 5v5, 3v3, 1v1, even custom mode, and other multiplayer battle modes such as autochess, to promote rankings and win abundant rewards. Conquer the battlefield with your own strategy!

Wellbalanced abilities and skills for heroes make sure each hero has his or her unique advantage and strength. Players will have more fun in the balanced combat. Heroes Evolved is a stage to show your incredible skills.

Voicechat, teamup, setting up clans... All these happen in realtime. You will meet friends and match with players from different countries for instant action and fun! We have multilanguage support like EN, FR, DE, ES, PT, RU, ID, with more to come!

Follow our website and SNS for the latest news!
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Customer Service: [email protected]

How to play Heroes Evolved on PC using NoxPlayer

  • 1Download NoxPlayer on your PC.

  • 2Run the installation package and complete the installation.

  • 3Search for Heroes Evolved on NoxPlayer.

  • 4Install the game in Google Play.

  • 5Click the game icon to start it.

  • 6Play Heroes Evolved with NoxPlayer on PC easier!

Simple Method

Method 1. Click "Download on PC" to download NoxPlayer and apk file at the same time. Once installation completes, play the game on PC.

Method 2. If you already have NoxPlayer on PC, click "Download APK", then drag and drop the file to the emulator to install.

The Wonderful Video of Heroes Evolved

Do you wanna run Heroes Evolved with a better gaming experience? With the benefit of the bigger screen, smarter keyboard and the higher hardware performance, NoxPlayer brings you an extreme gaming experience on PC. By downloading and playing Heroes Evolved on PC via NoxPlayer, users don't need to worry about the battery or the interruption of calling.
NoxPlayer is compatible with Android 7 and supports running over 90% of the mobile games on PC, which will boost your gaming experience perfectly. In addition, by opening multiple instances, Noxplayer supports to running multiple games or apps at the same time, or chatting with your friend while playing game.
NoxPlayer is perfectly compatible with AMD and Intel with the exclusive core virtualization technology, making your computer run more stable and smoothly. Download NoxPlayer and experience it now!

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Please download with PC browser

NoxPlayer is designed for Windows and MAC OS, please visit this website via computer browser to download NoxPlayer.