How to report a problem?

If you encounter any problem when using Nox and none of the posts here helps to fix it, please report it with the following information provided. They are crucial for us to understand and analyze the cause of the problem. A simple description like “can’t play XXX” or “XXX does not work” really don’t give us much clue to what’s happening. It’s impossible to diagnose the problem with so limited information. So, please kindly provide the below information when reporting a problem:

——–1. Problem with NoxPlayer itself. ———-
Please provide:

1) System information copied from NoxPlayer

2) A screenshot of the error message;
3) description of the problem;
4) Nox log; please extract the nox log through extract tool (Click to download the tool)
5) does this problem repeatedly appear?
6) have you tried any of the solutions on this blog but have no luck?

——–2. Problem with certain app/game—————-
Please provide:
1) System information copied from NoxPlayer (see the screenshot above)
2) Full name of the app/game and its version
3) Where did you download the app/game from
4) Detail operations you take that end up in this error/problem (how we could reproduce this problem from our end)
5) Does this problem consistently occur
6) Screenshot of the problem
7) Your computer specifications

Kindly send the above-mentioned information to our customer support email: Please add [report] in your title so that we can better recognize your email.

We’ll reply if we have a quick solution or workaround to offer. However, please be patient, we cannot guarantee an answer to all questions. The analysis and diagnosis can take a very long time and each issue may be assigned different priority. So please be patient. It’s also possible that we haven’t reply to your email, but the particular problem you are experiencing may be solved in a newer version of NoxPlayer. You should always consider upgrade your Nox to the latest available version.

We are sincerely thankful that our users reporting problems to us which has helped us to make NoxPlayer better and better along the way. Thank you all for your support!