Legend of Mushroom Tier List (2024 Latest)
Check out our handy tier list for Legend of Mushroom, fellow adventurer!
While the game incorporates gacha mechanics, it operates differently from what you might be accustomed to. Instead of relying solely on luck, you can acquire new skill items and pals by using tickets. The more duplicates you obtain of a particular item, the more you can upgrade it, granting you additional benefits. This approach allows you to gain plenty of experience points (XP), level up swiftly, and achieve the desired promotion you’re aiming for. Our tier list ranks each promotion available for the main mushroom character, providing guidance on the best options to pursue.
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Legend of Mushroom tier list
Let me break it down for you in simpler terms. In the game, there are various promotions you can achieve, and each promotion has its own ranking. As a general rule, higher-level promotions are considered better. However, the choice ultimately depends on your personal play style and preferences. So, don’t be afraid to choose the promotion that aligns with how you enjoy playing the game.
How do I level up in Legend of Mushroom?
Leveling up in the game requires patience and perseverance. You need to play the game, defeat enemies, and conquer levels and bosses to earn experience points (XP). As you progress, reaching specific levels such as 15, 30, 50, 70, and 100, your Shroomie character undergoes a transformation into a new class. These class upgrades are organized in a skill tree, and it’s important to carefully consider your choice between Mage, Warrior, and Archer. Once you make your selection, that becomes the path your character will follow.
Prepare yourself for the exciting array of promotions that await your adorable Shroomie character.
Download & Play Legend of Mushroom on PC with NoxPlayer
- Level 15 –
- Adventurer
- Level 30 –
- Choose Warrior, Archer, or Mage
- Level 50 –
- Warrior – Choose Swordsman or Axe Warrior
- Archer – Choose Shadow Sniper or Wind Crossbower
- Mage – Choose Healer or Spellcaster
- Level 70 –
- Swordsman – Claymore Wielder
- Axe Warrior – Berserker
- Shadow Sniper – Sharpshooter
- Wind Crossbower – Dual Crossbower
- Healer – Chronomancer
- Spellcaster – Storm Priest
- Level 100 –
Here, you can turn into a human form in male or female, instead of a mushroom-based lifeform.- Claymore Wielder – Swordmaster
- Berserker – Warmonger
- Sharpshooter – Shadow Hunter
- Dual Crossbower – Arrowgod
- Chronomancer – Holy Guide
- Storm Priest – Bishop
Once you’re past level 100, you can awaken your chosen character to a new stage:
- Swordmaster – Martial Sage
- Warmonger – Warbringer
- Shadow Hunter – Sacred Hunter
- Arrowgod – Plume Monarch
- Holy Guide – Prophet
- Bishop – Darklord